Have you ever gotten to a point where you think you should feel great because of all you’ve accomplished and all of the hard work you’ve put in, but instead you feel empty and dissatisfied?  Perhaps you finally accomplished your dream or a landmark goal only to feel suddenly empty, or to realize that it wasn’t even your dream or goal in the first place.

If so, you’re not alone.

Sometimes that happens because of the way we’ve defined success.  Many ideas we have about success are often not our own; we are influenced by any number of external factors, and that phenomenon happens early and subconsciously.

Where did your current definition of success come from?

Do you compare your lifestyle to the characters on Downton Abbey, and feel that you come up short? Do you measure your self worth by your current number of Instagram followers? Do you ever experience being invalidated when someone you know moves up the corporate ladder as if they have wings, or they seem as if they’re actually able to “have it all,” while you struggle with just getting dinner on the table at night?

If that’s the case, then the answer isn’t necessarily to strive harder and burn yourself out more, but rather, the answer lies in redefining what success means to you.

I’ve personally been grappling with this issue myself quite a bit lately. A decade and a half ago I compared myself to people I admired, and I decided that I needed to dedicate all of my energy to working unceasingly in order to build a business. Now that I have finally slowed down a little to enjoy the fruits of my labor, I’m realizing that I missed something along the way: I built only a business but not a family. Recently I began observing the happiness that many of my friends and family have by being parents, and I started to feel like I’d missed out. Then it hit me: I was doing exactly the same thing I did all those years ago; I was comparing myself to others to see where I stacked up and what decisions I should make. The truth is I have designed a life I love – with or without children – but I don’t get to experience my love for that life as long as I am comparing myself to anyone else.

There’s a reason why the Teddy Roosevelt quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” has been such a popular quote for over a hundred years … it’s as true today as the day it was written.

Are you successful?  Who gets to say?  Better yet, what the heck is success, anyway? In this video are three tips to help you finally decide what it is that you want, so you can finally experience yourself as successful.

We only have right now, this very minute, this exquisite moment and nothing else. If you’re hinging your happiness on a life that hasn’t happened yet, or comparing yourself to other people, you will never, ever be happy, or experience your success, no matter how much of it you have.

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